I scored a 7.5 on my review which makes me eligible for a featured artist spot. How do I get it?

Exciting news! You've scored over 7.5 for Crowd Reviews. You're on the path to getting featured!

Scheduling Your Feature:

  • Choose Tuesdays: Crowd Picks happen every Tuesday. Select Tuesday when scheduling for the best outcome. If you choose another day, we'll do our best to reschedule for the next Tuesday.

Submitting for Feature:

  • Score 7.5 or More: Once you hit this score, it's go-time.
  • Complete the Form: Fill out the Crowd Picks Feature form provided in the email you recieve after your rating! We'll take it from there.

Patience Pays Off:

Keep in mind, during busy times (like the holidays), scheduling might take a bit longer. But we'll work hard to get you on the next available Tuesday.

Your passion and your audience's support deserve to be heard. We can't wait to spotlight your music on Crowd Picks!

What are the editorial guide lines for my Crowd Pick Feature?

So, you scored 7.5 or higher on crowd reviews...congrats! Here's what you need to know about any collateral that may be used for your Crowd Picks feature.

 Photo Guidelines:

  1. You must own 100% of the rights to any photo you upload to ReverbNation.
  2. Photos need to be high-resolution — make sure they’re big enough (at least 1000x1000 pixels) to look great on any device.
  3. Photos should contain only band members — not abstract or unrelated photos of places or things.
  4. Photos cannot contain any drugs, nudity, or extreme violence.
  5. Make sure everyone looks their best — don’t use a random cell phone photo someone took at practice.
  6. No copyrighted or trademarked images (e.g. logos) are allowed in your photos
Song Guidelines:

You must own 100% of the rights to any song you upload to ReverbNation — this includes any samples contained within an original composition.

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