How do I convert my tracks into WAV format?

There are many applications that can convert your files to a WAV format. In addition, make sure the Sample Rate is set to 44.1 kHz. Here are a few:

1. Go to your iTunes Preferences.
Mac OS X: iTunes > Preferences
Windows: Edit > Preferences
2. Click on "Import Settings," under the General Tab.
3. Under "Import Using," chose WAV Encoder.
4. Click "OK."
(If you have not yet imported the songs from your CD, you can import the songs at this time and they will be in the correct format.)
5. Select the file you want to convert to WAV.
6. Right-click on the song(s) you want to convert and choose 'Create WAV Version.

1. Click on "File," and choose "Open."
2. Find the file you would like to convert, and click "Open."
3. Click on "File," and choose "Export..."
4. Under "Format," choose "WAV (Microsoft) signed 16 bit PCM"
5. Click "Save."
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