How do I unsubscribe from ReverbNation emails?

You can easily unsubscribe from, or manage the type of emails you get, from ReverbNation anytime from within your account settings.

To manage your email settings:

  • Click on the User Menu (small profile picture) in the top right corner of your page.
  • Select Settings from the dropdown menu.
  • Select Email Preferences from the options on the left.
  • From this page, you can turn the switch to "Disable" to disable all email notifications.
    • If you don't want to completely disable email notifications, you can manage the types of email notifications you receive, and how often, from this page as well.
  • Click the "Save Preferences" button at the bottom of the Email Preferences section after making any changes.

*Please note that you will still receive all essential legal, billing, and transactional emails whenever necessary.

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